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Mt. Meru Trekking

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Mt. Meru Trekking

Mount Meru’s distinct appearance was formed around 250 000 years ago by a tremendous volcanic eruption that destroyed the entire eastern flank, leaving a horseshoe shaped crater. Not only does Mount Meru boast impressive views and diverse vegetation, it also gives you the chance to see some wildlife in the form of a walking safari. On your trek you might come across large game such as giraffes, buffaloes, baboons, elephants, antelopes and Colobus monkeys. As the vegetation changes from dense mountain rainforest into heather and moorland and finally alpine desert, the frequency of animals you will see becomes scarcer, shifting your focus from animals to landscape. You will be accompanied by an armed park ranger on your tour.

Trek Mt. Eligius Kilitreks and Safari for 3-4 days and experience a climb that you will never forget. Mt. Meru is located in the heart of Arusha national park in Tanzania. While climbing mount Meru you will experience incredible wildlife viewing on the lower slopes and can spot Kilimanjaro from the summit, this is with an incredible experience in Tanzania.

Mt. Meru Trekking Itineraries

This hike to the peak of Mount Meru is completed in three days. Situated at…
he elevated viewpoint of the Arusha National Park allows you to discover the beauty that…
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